Current News and Issues.
Yes, Millennial Dentists Can Open Their Own Practices
Independence or group practice-what will the newest dental graduates choose? Today's millennial dentists who aspire to start their own practices tend to already have an insurmountable amount of student loan debt, in short, due to tuition costs increasing by nearly 100% in 2014.
Ensure Best Practices for Infection Control in Your Dental Office
Infection control is an afterthought in the medical community. But in the dental arena, infection control has been in the forefront of discussion and education for the last 3 decades. In my business as a consultant for infection control practices, I have found that most dental offices have a pretty good handle on the basics of infection control.
The Risk of Omission: Performance of Screening Exams
INTRODUCTION Legal proceedings have a large financial impact and consume a considerable measure of management time and energy, only to sometimes end in the dismal loss of a lawsuit. In some cases, the outcome has resulted in not being able to purchase future malpractice insurance at all.